The detective walked on to the crime scene that was filled with local police men. Detective James sighed, he knew that the scene was contaminated to no end, but protocols need to be followed. He turned to the young sergeant that had shown him the site: “Do me a favor kid, tell your amateur brigade to get the fuck off my crimes scene”. The stern voice made the young sergeant spring into action “Right away, sir.” Yelling at the top of his lungs the young sergeant ordered the rest of the local police force to drop everything they were doing and to leave the premises immediately. As they all walked past detective James, giving him evil eyes, he tried to remember all of their faces to the best of their abilities. James knew that a local police station like this is run by committee, there’s seldom one person calling the shots. In all likelihood one of these officers suggested processing the crime scene like this, knowing that the chaos on the scene would dilute any real evidence who had committed the murder. James looked at the wet mud, all of the officers leaving the same type of shoe prints. “Shit”, James mumbled to himself. They were all wearing standard issue work boots, at least something is done by protocol. Either way, the killer being someone in the police force was just an ad hoc theory. For now. “Done?” James asked the young sergeant. “Yes sir, that’s all of them.”
James turned around and walked into the large Japanese goun-yo temple. A murder in such a sacred place like this takes some balls, or some sense that the law doesn’t apply to you. At the feet of the altar lies a body covered by a white sheet. James looks around, no sign of a struggle. The floor is covered by identical muddy footprints, perhaps the local police force has put stuff back to where they belong, it’s hard to say. James understood then and there that evidence was going to a scarce resource in this case. Something the law abiding, protocol-guided, do things by the book - detective James was not used to nor comfortable with.
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